“My Google Drive is a mess. I know I need to get organized, but don’t know where
to start.”
“I barely have time feed myself, I definitely don’t have enough time in the day to figure it out how to organize my documents.”
"I have rows and rows of "Untitled" documents in my Google Drive."
“I know I have created so much valuable content over the years, but I have no idea where it is."
"I have multiple spreadsheets for the same task."
"I have no idea where to begin looking for the document I started last week."
"I have so many course downloads collecting dust in my google drive. I don't even know what resources I have."
You're not alone.
As a fellow entrepreneur, I know that crippling feeling
of overwhelm all too well.
I'm Stephanie!
As I've worked with entrepreneurs I've noticed a common theme: Their strengths often lie with being a visionary, not organizing their business.
They were out there changing the world, but behind closed doors, their cluttered and inefficient digital workspace was holding them back and a source of overwhelm.
So, I created a solution.
I believe you deserve to be out there changing the world, not overwhelmed by your digital clutter.